Soft gel capsules
Microalgae spirulina, spirulina spores, lecithin, beeswax, olive oil
100 capsules 750 mg each (in gel form – 98.8% absorption)
GMP, ISO9001, State Quality Mark of the People's Republic of China.
The latest
Thanks to the active gel
absorption: 98.8% (in the small intestine every 30 minutes - 7 times 107 mg portioned release of the active substance from the capsule over 3.5 hours) There are no analogues in pharmacies!
Natural vitamin and mineral complex (more than 2000 components)

Spirulina also contains macro- and microelements: iron, zinc, selenium, chromium, iodine, copper, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc. in organic form, which significantly facilitates their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and allows us to recommend it for the prevention of iron deficiency conditions, iodine and selenium deficiency.
Natural antioxidants (beta-carotene, folic acid, iron, selenium, vitamin E, etc.) are harmoniously combined in spirulina, and therefore have a pronounced protective effect.
Thus, spirulina is a real “pearl” in the world of marine plants! The therapeutic effect of natural whole spirulina on the human body is evident within the first months after the start of its use.
Nutrients that have no analogues. Modern scientists are seriously talking about completely replacing some of the products we eat with this representative of marine flora.
In terms of nutritional content, 1 g of spirulina is equal to 1 kg of vegetables, and in terms of the content of natural vitamins, spirulina surpasses all food products known on Earth. This is why foods containing spirulina are among the most consumed in the world.
18 amino acids, 8 of which are essential, as well as vitamins: A (in the form of beta-carotene), B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), inositol (vitamin B8), biotin (vitamin H ), vitamin C, vitamin E.
It all started in 1964, when the Belgian botanist J. Leonard discovered a small tribe of aborigines in the African forests near Lake Chad, whose way of life had not changed over the past several decades, and maybe hundreds of thousands of years. These peaceful people were neither hunting nor farming. Everything they needed, they found around them - these wild forests, which were rich in fruits, berries, roots and other food.
Modern civilization was unfamiliar to them. And, although such tribes are not uncommon in Africa, one fact still attracted Leonard’s close attention. It seemed very strange to the scientist that these people, as a rule, lived to a ripe old age (this is with an average life expectancy in Africa of 35 years) and practically did not get sick!
In the complete absence of any medicine, all the old people had healthy, well-preserved teeth and thick black hair. Having studied their way of life, Leonard drew attention to the green cakes that the savages ate like bread. They were made from mud that was collected from the surface of the lake and dried in the sun.
Upon closer examination, it turned out that this mud consists almost entirely of the single-celled blue-green algae Spirulina (Spirulina Platensis). This algae has been known to science for a long time. Its age is about 700 million years and it is one of the first photosynthetic life forms on Earth.
Spirulina has become more accessible nowadays. However, the usual powdered forms of spirulina have a low percentage of absorption in the body.
"Pride of the Ocean" consists of several dozen components, which ensures its multifaceted health effect
For pregnant women as a complete vitamin and mineral complex for gestation, normalization of hormonal levels and the functioning of the endocrine system;
As a complete vitamin and mineral complex - for healthy people, children and athletes, as a source of vitamins, micro- and macroelements,
For diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, atherosclerosis, coronary heart and brain disease, septic endocarditis, etc.)
As a natural analgesic, antibiotic and anticarcinogen;
With overweight, obesity;
For pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
For diseases of the visual organs: myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma
To improve memory during exams and in stressful situations;
For better absorption of vitamins and microelements contained in regular
For respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma,
For skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis) and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, dysbiosis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum);
To improve immunity and for frequent colds in children and adults;
To view, please click on the video.
After taking Ocean Pride, my daughter stopped getting sick!
This was the first winter when she didn’t get sick even once!
Pride of the Ocean capsules are excellent cellular nutrition and a wonderful adaptogen, thanks to which they help the body cope with colds and viral diseases
When I got acquainted with ASTER’s products, I realized that doctors’ prescriptions are not needed for them.
My headaches and dizziness have decreased, my blood pressure has normalized, and my joint pain has gone away.
I am so grateful for this product, I am very grateful to all the creators of this product!
To view, please click on the video.
To view, please click on the video.
We no longer have the threat of miscarriage!
These are top quality products! It’s all natural!
I would like to thank the Aster company for maintaining the highest quality products all these years!
All Aster products are made from natural raw materials, have the Chinese quality mark and comply with the international GMP standard!
A comprehensive laboratory test of all product parameters was carried out, that is, Aster products are of very high quality!
To view, please click on the video.
The pages of the site use video clips of real speeches by doctors, candidates of sciences, professors - participants in international medical conferences.
One of the best indicators of product quality is a HUGE number of results and satisfied consumers of products from the international company Aster!
Since there are thousands of results and it is almost impossible to post them all on the site, we are sharing with you a small part of the video results from our “Golden Collection”
You can find even more results, as well as important and useful information on how to improve the quality of your life and prolong active longevity in our telegram channel: “Living and Getting Younger!”