The latest
technology in health!
Micro-crushed lingzhi spores (contain more than 400 active components: 200 water-soluble and 200 fat-soluble substances), lecithin, olive oil, beeswax.
GMP, ISO9001, State Quality Mark of the People's Republic of China.
Why do we love a light dream?
An additional therapeutic effect (dropper effect) is achieved due to the cellular structure of the capsule shell - portioned release of the gel after 30 minutes in the small intestine, where the absorption process takes place (every 30 minutes - 7 times 167 mg = 1170 mg) Dosed absorption of the substance from the capsule takes place for 3.5 hours. The high bioavailability of the composition, the absence of artificial additives and preservatives, and hermetically sealed packaging make “Light Dream” capsules not only an effective health-improving herbal medicine, but also demonstrate the latest achievements of production technologies in the field of manufacturing health-improving products.
Why Light Dream?

Lingzhi has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 3,000 years. This gift of nature is called the “Mushroom of Immortality”, it is given the highest category in terms of breadth of action and lack of side effects.
A powerful systemic regulator, this mushroom has long been used to restore the body's defenses, as well as for high blood pressure, liver dysfunction and allergic reactions.
Modern research confirms the anti-cancer properties of the extract, which makes lingzhi especially valuable for residents of environmentally unfavorable areas. A source of bioactive polysaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, lingzhi has a positive effect on blood composition and activates metabolic processes in the body.
So lingzhi helps restore the natural functional activity of organs, causing overall improvement of the body.

Lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) is an essential protector of nerve cells. This is the main substance in the construction of cell membranes, ensuring the normal functioning of the brain. Lecithin is recognized as the third most important nutrient, along with proteins and vitamins.
It is part of the nerve fiber sheaths and is the most important building material for the brain, making up 17% of the mass of the peripheral nervous system and 30% of the weight of the brain. Contains B vitamins, amino acids and phospholipids. Lecithin is necessary for both embryos, children, adolescents, and adults. It is extremely necessary for older people, which is associated with a decrease in the production of acetylcholine. Lack of lecithin primarily affects the speed of thinking and the degree of development of mental abilities. A sufficient level of lecithin in the body prevents senile dementia and is of great importance during infancy, growth and development of the brain and nervous system in children.
Why is the Light Dream important?
to improve memory and speed up thinking processes;
during preparation for exams and directly during exams
to maintain and restore vision, hearing, memory, concentration;
for depression, neuroses, stressful conditions, insomnia, anxiety;
for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine, maintaining and restoring potency in men, reducing frigidity in women;
to improve the condition after strokes and heart attacks;
to improve blood supply to the heart and brain, to prevent hypoxia and cardiovascular diseases;
for osteochondrosis, arthrosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernias - to eliminate pain and restore function;
to remove toxins from the body, protect the liver and regulate the endocrine glands;
for mental retardation in children, dementia in the elderly, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia;
to enhance immunity and prevent tumors, protects against the effects of radiation and the negative effects of chemotherapy.
to regulate metabolism, reduce the content of low-density lipids in the blood, and normalize blood sugar levels;
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You've preserved fantastic!
Having heard the doctor’s lecture, I realized that due to the environment, modern vegetables and fruits do not have enough micro- and macroelements. I listened and started accepting the products.
I’ve been taking the products for over 11 years, and I’ve gotten EXCELLENT health results!
The child was saved from the use of heavy pharmaceutical drugs!
The child took Aster products for 3 months, the seizures stopped, and he has been in stable remission for more than a year.
The child began to develop very well, began to speak well, has a good memory, and in general the child is completely healthy!
(We've had a problem - epileptic seizures).
To view, please click on the video.
To view, please click on the video.
I can help more people in a shorter time!
One of my patients’ dizziness went away in two weeks, another patient’s bowel function improved.
Today there are results in oncology, both in fibroids and in mastopathy!
We had such a cool result! I am very grateful to the Aster company for such luxurious products which remove all causes of the disease and help restore health!
1) the granddaughter has gone away from epileptic seizures
2) besides, very serious problems are being solved, those problems that cannot be solved in conventional medicine, oriental medicine solves everything perfectly!
3) everyone is very pleased with the results: me, my friends and my children
To view, please click on the video.
The pages of the site use video clips of real speeches by doctors, candidates of sciences, professors - participants in international medical conferences.
Dear friend!
1. Improve the style and quality of your Life
2. Maintain your health and extend active longevity!
Dear friend!
1. Improve the style and quality of your Life
2. Maintain your health and extend active longevity!