cordyceps extract – 50%, lingzhi extract – 25%, propolis – 12%, additional ingredients (Brazilian agaric, fragrant aromatics, epimedium, Japanese ophiopogon) – 13%.
The polyformula contains three higher medicinal mushrooms - Chinese cordyceps, lingzhi and Brazilian agaric, each of the components greatly enhances the effect of the components - there is a phenomenon of synergy.
6 bottles of 30 ml, aqueous sterile solution (absorption 99.8%)
GMP Certificate, ISO9001, State Quality Mark of the People's Republic of China
Why is "The Secret of Tibet so beneficial for human health?"
(Answered by one of the developers, Professor Li Linin)
Unique Herbal Formula The Secret of Tibet at the Service of Your Health
Have you ever heard about plants - systemic regulators of the body? In ancient times, such plants were called with a very beautiful and capacious definition: life-givers. In traditional Chinese medicine, life-giving herbs belong to the highest class of medicinal products - nourishing and replenishing the body's protective energy, strengthening health and prolonging life. In earlier times in China, life-giving formulas—effective and safe formulas—were available only to emperors. Some formulas were worth their weight in gold, others were forbidden to be taken outside the Imperial Palace!
In ancient China, the emperor was considered the son of god and had to prove his reputation as the chosen one. The mission of managing a huge state implied high physical and mental stress. Emperors had harems and retained fantastic potency and physical strength for up to 120 years or more!
Why the Mystery of Tibet?

Since ancient times, Cordyceps sinensis has been considered the recognized “emperor” among the most valuable natural remedies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The history of cordyceps use in China goes back more than 3,000 years. Cordyceps chinensis grows in inaccessible high mountain regions of the provinces of Tibet, at an altitude of more than 3,500 meters above sea level on treeless, sunny sides of mountain slopes, preferring loose, arid, humus-rich soils. Only in such conditions - at low temperatures and lack of oxygen - high-quality cordyceps is obtained. This is a truly unique plant and now you have access to it!
Lingzhi mushroom

Another unique mushroom included in the “Secrets of Tibet” is the lingzhi mushroom (lat. Ganoderma Lucidum). Even in ancient times, this medicinal mushroom was considered a truly magical plant that gave people long life. Modern medicine confirms that lingzhi promotes longevity and is a very effective remedy for many diseases. Lingzhi contains tons of medicinal components, such as polypeptides, polysaccharides, amino acids, triterpinoids, alkaloids, proteins, trace elements, etc. 13 amino acids have been isolated from the highest medicinal mushroom, lingzhi, and it contains ganoderma polysaccharides, which lower blood sugar levels.

Propolis, which is part of the “Secrets of Tibet” formula, is infused not with alcohol, but with a water base. This makes its composition especially rich in unique substances - flavonoids, which bees obtain from nectar and pollen. These amazing substances are of extremely important therapeutic importance and have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. The water tincture is also rich in various vitamins, contains many amino acids, minerals and trace elements, which makes it so valuable for human health. In addition, an aqueous infusion of propolis has an anti-inflammatory, oncoprotective, anesthetic effect, reduces high cholesterol, lipids and blood sugar, normalizes blood pressure, improves the tone of the walls of blood vessels and venous valves, improves the absorption of minerals by bones and joints, and restores metabolic processes in them.
This is what taking “The Secret of Tibet” does for your body:
Models immunity and restores the body's natural defenses;
Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
Has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect.
Promotes recovery of the body in the postoperative period;
Optimizes metabolism, has a rejuvenating effect (improves the condition of the skin, hair, appearance), accelerates the healing process;
Regulates the state of the nervous system, activates brain activity, helps improve memory;
Suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora and has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity;
Helps eliminate toxins and cleanse the body (for example, in case of poisoning);
Restores the exhausted nervous system (with insomnia, increased excitability, neuroses, apathy, chronic fatigue) and mobilizes the body's strength in conditions of neuro-emotional overload, increases resistance to stress;
It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and blood composition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
You can take the extract half an hour before meals or two hours after meals. Preventive administration - sublingual (under the tongue) 1-5 ml (or more - according to indications) 1-2 times a day. Store the product in a dry, dark place, open the bottle in the refrigerator.
Stay healthy and active for many decades to come with the help of our wonderful products!
The Secret of Tibet was created according to ancient recipes with the help of modern technologies, and this allowed it to become universal. It is absolutely safe and can be used for pregnant women, infants, and people of any age. It is combined with any type of medication, helping to enhance their therapeutic effect and reduce their side effects on the body. Overdose is impossible. Very easy to use. The integrating formula The Secrets of Tibet - a bioimmunoregulator - acts at the level of the whole organism, increasing its integrity by improving the functional systems of the body.
It allows the body to find its own direction of healing and achieve optimal balance. Integrating agents, including cordyceps, do not cure - they give health, therefore they can be used for any disease and for prevention.
Ophiopogon japonica

Japanese ophiopogon (Ophiopogon yaponicus) is called a “medicine for death” in the ancient Chinese “Treatise on Roots and Herbs”, as it moisturizes the lungs, nourishes the stomach, and calms the nervous system. Ophiopogon contains a large amount of biologically active substances (ophiopogonins, terpene glycosides, steroid saponins, sugars, as well as sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium and other trace elements). Ophiopogon extract strengthens the immune system and increases the body's adaptive capabilities; dilates peripheral blood vessels and increases coronary blood flow, has an antiarrhythmic effect, regulates blood sugar levels.
Agarik Brazilian

Agaricus Blazei is native to the tropical forests of Brazil and has long been known as the “sun mushroom of the Aztecs.” However, it has attracted the attention of scientists only recently due to its unique antioxidant and oncoprotective properties. The first research results were published in 1980 by the National Cancer Center of Japan. Today, agaric extract is recognized as one of the most promising agents in the treatment of cancer. The extract also strengthens the body's defenses, improves blood circulation, regulates cholesterol levels in the blood, and has pronounced fungistatic and fungicidal activity.

Sweet-sweetweed (Polygonatum multiflorum) has been well known for thousands of years. In Tibetan medicine it was used for many diseases, primarily for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and lungs. The extract also served as a remedy for senile infirmities, diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Modern science has proven that fragrant extract stimulates metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. It promotes tissue restoration, is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and regulates cholesterol levels in the blood.

Epimedium, or bitter weed, is an unpretentious perennial plant with delicate flowers - mentioned as a medicinal plant in the “Canon of Medicinal Herbs,” dating back to the 4th century. BC. Epimedium improves metabolism and normalizes blood pressure, helps strengthen the immune system and increase the vitality of the body. Along with ginseng, the extract is included in the list of the most popular natural remedies for increasing male and female libido.
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This is a systemic product, it can be taken from any age
We have very good results!
Granny’s blood pressure and pulse have returned to normal, and she feels great now!
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I felt the results of taking the products, many of my problems went away
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To view, please click on the video.
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My hair was restored, my gastrointestinal tract function was restored
I still take Aster products for preventive purposes. I really love these products, they help me live a full life!
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Dear friend!
1. Improve the style and quality of your Life
2. Maintain your health and extend active longevity!
Dear friend!
1. Improve the style and quality of your Life
2. Maintain your health and extend active longevity!