Complex calcium
4th generation complex calcium
Amino acids, vitamins, magnesium and vitamin D3
Pearl powder in the form of complex calcium, which has undergone enzymatic hydrolysis, is a product of modern high technology. Thanks to them, it became possible to combine calcium in ionic form with amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins into an organic complex compound easily absorbed by the human body.
Natural sea pearls in gel form, lecithin, olive oil, beeswax. All components are selected and act on the principle of synergy, providing maximum healing and restorative effect.
GMP Certificate, ISO9001, State Quality Mark of the People's Republic of China.
The recipe is listed in the State Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Active gel
Absorption 98.8%
Calcium takes part in the regulation of many important functions of your body:
- is a structural element of cell membranes that regulate the flow of nutrients into the cell
- participates in the regulation of more than 300 enzymes
- necessary for contraction and relaxation (relaxation) of muscles, including the heart muscle
- affects insulin secretion
- necessary for blood clotting
- plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses (lack of calcium leads to increased excitability and causes convulsions)
- promotes fertilization by activating sperm, which is very important in the treatment of male infertility
- promotes rejuvenation of the body, giving elasticity to the skin, shine to hair, beauty to nails
- improves immunity by shifting blood pH to the alkaline side
Ionized calcium shifts the pH of the blood towards a slightly alkaline environment, which significantly increases the absorption of oxygen, and diseases disappear or do not develop. When blood pH increases by 0.15%, free oxygen is absorbed by more than 65%! All pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi appear in organs and tissues depleted of oxygen. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in 1932 for proving that cancer develops in an oxygen-free environment (the process of cancer development is anaerobic).
According to the Institute of Nutrition at the Russian Academy of Sciences, calcium deficiency leads to 150 different diseases.
The absorption of Golden Pearl capsules is 98.8% according to the conclusion of the Main Institute of Pharmacology in Kharkov.
It is important for residents of environmentally unfavorable regions to know: if there is a lack of calcium, its place in bone tissue is taken by radioactive strontium, which is similar in molecular lattice structure, which can trigger the development of oncology.
The main function of calcium is to participate in the formation of the skeleton, because It contains 99% of calcium. With a lack of calcium, growth in children slows down, immunity decreases, caries and scoliosis form, acidity increases, fatigue, weakness, hypertension, convulsions, and tachycardia appear.
85% of the population report lower back pain that occurs due to calcium deficiency and spinal osteoporosis. Calcium deficiency is involved in the pathogenesis of bronchitis, allergies, osteoporosis, arthrosis, rheumatism, hepatitis, lumbago, lower back pain, etc.

Natural pearls contain conchiolin, which activates the cells of the human body's immune system, thereby increasing the body's ability to heal itself.
Conchiolin, dissolving in an acidic solution, forms a cation - a group capable of removing various toxins, chemical pigments, heavy metal salts and radioelements from the body (removes strontium from bone tissue - prevents leukemia).
Thanks to conchiolin, various toxins, chemical pigments, salts of heavy metals and radioelements are removed from the body (for example, it removes strontium from bone tissue and prevents leukemia).
Conchiolin contains 22 types of amino acids - the main material for the creation of new healthy cells (methionine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid, etc. 18 microelements, such as Al, Cu, Mn, Na, Zn, Se, Ti, Sr and etc.).
This is why it is important for you to use the “Golden Pearl”:
as a preventive measure for athletes and healthy people;
for rehabilitation after bone fractures;
for migraines, hypertension, coronary artery disease;
for myopathies of various nature;
in inflammatory processes;
as an antidote for any poisoning;
for the treatment of autoimmune and allergic conditions;
for eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and allergies;
with fragility of blood vessels and bleeding of any nature;
to reduce the level of low-density cholesterol in the blood;
to improve the condition of teeth, for periodontal disease, for the prevention of caries and other gum diseases;
for the prevention of scoliosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis in children, normal skeletal formation in adolescents;
to restore the body with rheumatism, collagenosis, hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, thyroiditis;
for toxic damage to the kidneys and liver, as well as for the prevention of stone formation in them;
for disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, depression, fears);
in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system: cerebral palsy, conditions after strokes, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, Alzheimer's disease;
to improve vision, to normalize sleep, regulate the functioning of the eye muscles, treat and prevent glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, presbyopia;
for the regulation of acid-base balance in the body, as well as in the complex treatment of oncological diseases and cancer prevention;
as a means of preventing the occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome, restorative and increasing vitality;
for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, herniated intervertebral discs);
The optimal time for receiving the “Golden Pearl” is from 18-00 to 21-00
Taking one capsule is considered a preventive dosage, and two capsules or more per day is considered to replenish the body’s calcium needs in case of developed diseases.
The optimal time to take it is from 18.00 to 21.00 or before bedtime, with 1 glass of warm water, or 2 capsules an hour after dinner. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - during meals, the effectiveness of the capsules remains the same
To view, please click on the video.
Our products helped my mother avoid many problems
When she started taking Aster’s Golden Pearl calcium, her joint pain went away very quickly and laboratory tests show that her calcium levels are now normal!
She has been taking calcium from the Aster company for more than 10 years and has overcome the problems that those women with whom she was in the ward had when she was operated on
Her chronic bronchitis went away, her blood pressure returned to normal
The most important thing is that thanks to Aster’s products, she does NOT need to have joint replacements! She crouches down and shows it to us. The results are exceptional!
To view, please click on the video.
To view, please click on the video.
I found out that the company has serious certificates
I went to two international medical conferences and learned that the company has the highest international quality certificates and the country to which the products are supplied.
The products are supplied directly from the manufacturing plant, that is, the company is the direct recipient of these products, which additionally guarantees the quality of the products.
My family and I use the products and we have all received wonderful health results!
Thanks to the Aster company, my life has changed! I am very happy!
There was energy and mood. I felt alive!
I am very grateful to Aster that we can use these unique products!
To view, please click on the video.
The pages of the site use video clips of real speeches by doctors, candidates of sciences, professors - participants in international medical conferences.
One of the best indicators of product quality is a HUGE number of results and satisfied consumers of products from the international company Aster!
Since there are thousands of results and it is almost impossible to post them all on the site, we are sharing with you a small part of the video results from our “Golden Collection”
You can find even more results, as well as important and useful information on how to improve the quality of your life and prolong active longevity in our telegram channel: “Living and Getting Younger!”